Tuesday 24 March 2009

Islamic Law - Barbaric or misunderstood?

Yasmin Patel, Ethnic Minority Officer, has arranged an event on Wednesday 25th March 2009, in line with her manifesto promise to address the misrepresentation of ethnic minorities.
I have copied the text below about the event - hope to see you there!

Islamic Law: Barbaric or Misunderstood?
The term Shariah (and now its partner-term 'extremism') is mentioned and heard many times, especially amidst the ‘War on Terror’. However, do we really know what Shariah stands for, or what role it has to play?

Is it a system of barbaric harsh punishments that suppresses people and oppresses women? Or is Shariah far from that, and rather a solution to social breakdown?

This event being held on Wednesday 25th March 2009 @ 5:30pm in the Avon Room, University Centre, relates to the many debates students have had on campus this term. This includes whether religion does more harm than good, a discussion about ‘Terrorism (Crossing the Limits)’ and whether multiculturalism has failed. Based on his recent work, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis will contrast the ability of a Liberal and Islamic model to solve social problems.

The presentation will conclude with an open question and answer session.

Contact the Ethnic Minority Officer, Yasmin Patel at y.patel@guild.bham.ac.uk for more information.

Facebook Event link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/event.php?eid=70349914195&ref=nf

Thursday 19 March 2009

GC facebook group

This has been dormat for a while, but can be found here - http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2217867267#/group.php?gid=2217867267

It used to be the cornerstone for debate and also organising socials/informal events for GCers and it would be great to see that happening again. Any student can join in and find out what is going on, rather than a select few people deciding who they want to talk to about what.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Another quick plug...

The newly reformed PMSA (that's Postgrad and Mature Students' Association) are holding a film night next Wednesday, 25th March at 6.30pm in the PG space (below Spar in the Guild - follow the signs!). The film being shown is "This is England" by Shane Meadows.

So if you are a PG or Mature student, and want a break from studyding, then consider this as a different way of relaxing and a way to meet similar people at the university.

So, it's all over now....

Wow...elections are over! They've pretty much been taking over my life for the last 6 weeks or so - I've had seldom time for anything else, and have falled behing on many things, such as work on GC review, anything environmental related, other random things that I am working on...oh and of course my social life!

Elections were possibly one of the more crazy times of my life - crazier than being on a campaign team or a candidate - and although it was stressful, although I was tired, ill and generally grumpy, I have to say that it has been one of the best times of the year - seeing so many students on campaign teams or as candidates energised, and more importantly, seeing this and some of the work we have done manifest itself in the form of the highest turnout ever (4,723 - 18%) was fantastic. I already miss the madness but am looking forward to working on other parts of my remit!

And now....lots to get on with in the last few months. GC review (to be covered seperately!), events and commerical services stuff, a CSR policy, Redbrick editor, PG stuff...lots to be doing!

As usual, throw questions to h.lazell@guild.bham.ac.uk

Enjoy the spring kids x

The Ethical and Environmental Forum

Hello all,
Here is an extra plug for the Ethical and Environmental Forum, which is being held on Friday 20th March at 5pm in the Thompson Training Suite. This is a chance for all students (so no election required) to come and have their say on ethical and environmental issues in the Guild and University.
So, if you've got an opinion on something relevant to this, make sure you're there = or email eeo@guild.bham.ac.uk

And the winners are.....

President: Fabian Neuner
VP Sport: Katie Ford
VP Student Activities & Development: Emma Packham
VP Education & Access: Brigid Jones
VP Welfare: Johnny Davis
VP Democracy & Resources: Tom Guise
VP Housing & Community: Ed Sparkes

Anti Racism Anti Fascism Officer: Anna Lawton
Community Action Officer: Jo Grainger
Ethical and Environmental Officer: Ed Bauer
Ethnic Minority Students’ Officer: Allan Ssesanga
Home Students’ Officer: Shabhaz Khokhar
International Students’ Officer: Dhivya Raj
LGBTQ Students’ Officer: Matthew Ward
Women’s Officer: Esther Akinnuwa

I wish them all the best - all of the new officers have so much energy and vision that I am confident that next year will be a great year for the Guild.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Vote - from tomorrow at 9am.

Hello all,
So the annual hype surrounding elections is about to come to a climax with voting opening tomorrow on the my.bham portal (my.bham.ac.uk) at 9am, and closing at 12pm on Firday. Voting is online, meaning it can be done from any computer anywhere in the world - which makes voting far more accessible for all of our students, not just those on the Edgbaston campus.

The candidates have all been working incredibly hard over the last 10 days, by going out doorknocking, lecture shouting, speaking to students individually and using all sorts of methods to spread their message and get votes.
A full list of candidates, their manifestoes and further information about them can be found here http://www.guildofstudents.com/content/index.php?page=110175

If you want to hear a bit of what the candidates have to say this week, then you cane come to Mermaid Square at 1pm on Tuesday 10th to hear them all speak, and you will also have the opportunity to ask questions to candidates. If you live on the Vale, there will be hustings at 6pm on Wednesday 11th at the back of Shackleton.

There will be a number of ballot stations on campus throughout the week - http://www.guildofstudents.com/content/index.php?page=114055 - but remember, if you can't make it to them, use any computer at any time!

Lastly, I wrote a (not great) post on why to vote - but let me just reiterate - its really important to have a say in these elections, because the more people that vote, the more students are likely to be happy with the Guild because the people who have been voted in are the ones with the most popular policies. Also, as the VPW and NUS say, voting in elections at university is more likely to get you into a good voting habit for the rest of your life....

Right, now you have read this, and providing it is past 9am on Monday 9th...go and VOTE!

Friday 6 March 2009

Why vote?

I'm sure there are lots of people out there, both on campuses around the country and in wider society, that ask the question - "Why Vote?".

As I've grown up, I've never seen a reason not to vote - it seems like the natural (and easiest) way to have your say in how your country/council/student union/whatever else may be run. As we have the elections for the Officer Team 09/10 take place NEXT WEEK, from Monday 9th @ 9am until Friday 13th @ 12pm, I thought I'd give you some reasons as to why you should vote in these elections...

*Voting should be based on policies, and you should vote for the policies you most agree with, not because someone is your friend. The candidate that has the most popular policies with the people who vote will win - so if more people vote, the more representative the winners will be, and if policies are achieved, then the happier students will be with the Guild.

*If you moan about stuff, and think it can be changed - then vote - because if you haven't, you technically haven't bothered to have your say. When you vote you can spoil the ballot - and this is an option on our e-voting system!

*On a local and national level, it keeps facist groups such as the BNP out of controlling our councils - something vital in order to protect the rights of our citizens.

*it hardly takes any time at all and can be done at any time on any computer - all you need is your my.bham login.

So there are some reasons why you should vote - and I hope you do next week for those who are going to run your guild and represent you in the 09/10 academic year.

Voting is through my.bham, it opens on March 9th at 9am and closes on March 13th at 12pm.