Thursday 7 August 2008

Our first few days!

Hello all!
On our last day of training we got sent on a "suprise" trip to Alton Towers, as one last day of fun before we started properly. I say it was a suprise, but most of us had guessed despite the efforts of Sparky (our VPS) to keep it a secret! With limited time we managed to go on a lot of the big rides (I loved Air!!) and also, more importantly, we spent lots of time (and money) trying to win cuddly toys...most of which are now going to be living on the exec corridor for the next year! On the left you can see a picture of the seven sabbs at the end of the day, along with our winnings.....
Friday, August 1st was our first full day. Needless to say, we were all quite excited about getting our offices and shifting them round so not much work got done....
Naively I thought that this week would allow us to get our heads round things and get settled in, but we were properly thrown into it with a 9am-6pm day with the University! Since then I've been occupied with appeals, one to one sessions with staff to find out more about the job, and showing people from UCL round the building so they could learn about us and we could learn about their union!

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