Wednesday 22 October 2008

NUS Governance and Reform (and other related matters...)

...I know, I know, it sounds really boring! But in reality, the National Union of Students (or the NUS) is going through a governance review just like the Guild did, to make it more effective and relevant for students. The review has been dragging on, and this year will see the chance to shape the future of the NUS once and for all, so your national union, which the Guild is affiliated to, can focus more on campaigning for your rights.

The picture shows the proposed structure - it means that there will be more space for conversation and debate over issues than there is currently, and the trustee board also allows for external expertise (a model which we have recently adopted).

On November 12th 17 student delegates from the University of Birmingham will be going to Wolverhampton to vote on this proposal at an extraordinary conference. Those who go will be going to represent you - so it is important that they know what you think! Either comment on the blog or e-mail me and I can pass any feedback on to the President, who is the delegation leader. Delegates will be elected tomorrow at Guild Council - if you want to stand, come along to the meeting at 6pm!

On a related note, elections for NUS delegates (who will go the annual conference and represent students there) are on 17th and 18th November. Nominations open on October 27th and close on November 7th - packs are available from reception.

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