Friday 8 May 2009

A quick "what I've been up to" blog

1.Attended a few university meetings. I went to my last meeting of the College of Medical and Dental Sciences Quality and Enhancement committee, where we discussed feedback and assement - so hopefully students in this college will be getting better feedback on their work.

2. I have been working on Guild Council review with several members of staff. The models are going to be discussed by the review group next week and they will make a recommendation - this will then come to next Guild Council.

3. I had a tour of the Muirhead Tower with the other Sabbs - it is still being refurbished but is nearly ready. There is increased workspace provision for postgraduates but not much more for undergraduates it seems - and there will be a Starbucks on the ground floor.

4. I have been working with the VPW and LGBTQ Officer on getting students registered to vote. We got a lot of students in the Grad Ball queue last Friday as well as delivering forms to houses in Selly Oak on Tuesday. We also had a stall open outside Spar so students could register.

5. Took part in student staff interviews - we had a very large number of students apply for part time work here, which reflects the increasing needs that students have for part time work.

6. Building on the success of our Sound Impact Silver, I have been looking at ways to improve our environmental performance - a big bugbear of mine is that we don't have enough recycling on campus and in the Guild.

7. Attended the Guild's Great Debate that was organised the President, Jen Larbie, and other officers and staff. The panel included Wes Streeting, President of the NUS and David Eastwood, the new VC of the University. The debate had was interesting, and its great that we have promoted the views of students to the university.

8. I've been writing my handover for my successor, Tom. If anyone thinks there is anything that should be included, let me know!

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