Tuesday 21 April 2009

NUSSL and beyond!

Hello again to all my avid readers!

So it's almost the end of April and I haven't blogged for a while. Naughty Hannah! However, this is because, yet again, I've been off and away doing fun and excting things.


From 6th-8th April, myself, along with Pippa (EEO) and our Venues Manager headed up to Liverpool for the NUSSL AGM and Convention. NUSSL stands for NUS Services Limited and they supply our bars (in other unions they supply the shops too, but our shop is a franchise) and also give advice on all things related to commercial services and, more recently, ethical and environmental issues.

When we were in Liverpool (at a hotel which resembled the Titanic, and was like stepping back in time) not only did we collect our Silver award for Sound Impact, but we also had the opportunity to take part in sessions and discussions. I went to several - the Ethical and Environmental session, a session on NUS Extra and developments that NUSSL are doing, and another on Alcohol Policy, which also related to policy passed at NUS conference the week before. In addition to this, I attended the AGM where the accounts are presented and where we voted for new committee members. There was also a plenary on ethical investments, given by the co-op, and this is something I am going to be working on for the Guild.

The E+E session focused mainly on the Sound Impact awards and other campaigns that unions had done. Go Green weeks are popular, and although we have not done this here, they aim to promote all things environmental to students and promote more ecological living.
The NUS extra session looked at developing NUS Extra to make it better for students, so introducing features such as auto renewal each year, as well as adding more discounts that may be specific to the local area.
The alcohol policy session was very interesting, and focused on why unions should/shouldn't have minimum pricing, but I'll be doing more on this at a later date. But, essentially there is a movement to introduce minimum pricing in student unions to protect student welfare - however, there is a danger that this could price some students out of drinking at their unions. Ben Whittaker has to be admired for giving the Welfare point of view in a roomful of commercial services officers!

...and beyond!
On getting back from NUSSL I gave myself half a day to recover at home (after doing NUS conference, the VC's leaving dinner and then NUSSL I was very tired!) before going back to the Guild to spend the day doing....budgets. Myself and two staff members form a group that meet with all managers to set budgets for the 09/10 year and I must say that it is incredibly difficult to balance the needs and wants of the organisation, not least because of the impact of the recession. The process lasts until the end of May.

I then took a holiday and went to Poland (definately recomend a trip!), and now I am back, raring to go...!

Any questions - give us a shout!

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