Wednesday 7 January 2009

A quick "heads up".

Officer elections are on their way!

Do you want to get involved with how the Guild is run and influence the activities that it does?

There are seven sabbatical (full time) positions and eleven non sabbatical (part time) positions, all focused on a specific area. So if you are interested in something specific, such as welfare or ethical and environmental issues, then a position on the Officer Team should be something that you consider! More information about the Officer positions can be found here:
All positions are fantastic experience and will make you very attractive to a future employer!

Nominations open on February 2nd and close on February 13th: campaigning starts on February 27th and ends on March 13th: voting takes place online from March 9th until March 13th, with results night taking place on March 14th.

If you don't have much experience but want to get involved, then don't be scared! Email for more information.

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