Friday 30 January 2009

So, what HAVE I been doing?

Hello all,
Again apologies for my lack of presence in blog-o-sphere. This is going to be a quick update on what I've been up to...

1. I took a weeks annual leave and went to the Canary Islands. Yes, Sabbs are allowed a break every now and then!

2. I've been working hard on elections. I think in the past elections have been seen to be too much of a process and administrative exercise, so we're moving to change that, so the whole process (for example, advertising nominations and promoting voting) is much more visible, not just the campaigns that candidates run. I'll be blogging more about elections soon...

3. Guild Council review has been taking up a bit of time - a very successful day was held where a group of students reviewed the purpose and effectiveness of Guild Council. I am currently developing some models for us to work with and then move to adopting....

4. One Water - this is now being stocked in bars and in the vending machines, but hopefully, fingers crossed, we will have a more permanent solution soon...

5. Chaired the first Finance Committee and went to a Trustee Board meeting.

6. I've been working a lot on the Redbrick feasibility study, something I was mandated to do in the December Guild Council. It's been interesting and hopefully I should be presenting my findings to the next Guild Council.

7. Went to NUS Extraordinary Conference and voted to change the structure of the NUS to make it more effective for students. Also went to an NUS democracy event - and it seems that all the ideas I have for elections this year get the heads up from the NUS. Interestingly enough, our candidate budget, at £90 per person, is more or less the highest in the country, with £40 being the average. Be lucky I didn't change that....

8. Went doorknocking, then participated in, the amazing Halls Fees campaign! Although I was stewarding it was amazing to see students getting so fired up about an issue. Well done to all who were involved.

As usual, any questions - email me on


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