Tuesday 3 February 2009

Guild of Students Officer elections 2009

Do you want to lead the Guild and make change for students? Nominations are now open for the Officer Group elections for the 09/10 team.

Being an officer means that you have a unique opportunity to get involved in an area of student life that interests you. Positions are either full-time (sabbatical) which require you to take a year out of your degree or do a year when you finish, and these roles focus on general areas such as Welfare, Education or Student Activities. Part-time positions (non sabbatical) are more specific, such as focusing on womens issues, ethical and environmental issues or anti-racism anti fascism, and are done alongside your degree.

Both full time and part time roles are great ways to get more involved and also develop skills that will enable you to stand out to future employers. It doesnt matter if you havent been involved in the Guild much beforehand ideas and the ability to lead are far more important qualities. All positions are elected by the student body in March but again dont worry about taking part in an election we give full training and support to our candidates throughout the process to ensure that everyone has an equal chance of being elected. Most importantly, youll have fun whilst standing in an election and also being part of the Officer Team.

Sounds good?

There is a meeting for anyone interested on Wednesday 4th Feb at 6pm in the Guild Council Chambers (1st floor above Spar). This will be an informal chance to meet current officers, ask questions about what its like to be an officer and find out a bit more.

E-mail h.lazell@guild.bham.ac.uk to find out more and to get in contact with current officers.

Visit http://www.guildofstudents.com/content/index.php?page=98615 where you can download a booklet about the positions and also download a nomination pack.

Pick up a nomination pack from Guild Reception!

The full list of positions available are:

Vice President (Democracy & Resources)
Vice President (Education & Access)
Vice President (Housing & Community)
Vice President (Sport)
Vice President (Student Activities & Development)
Vice President (Welfare)

Non-Sabbatical Officer Team:
Ethical & Environmental Officer
Satellite Sites Officer
Womens’ Officer
Ethnic Minorities’ Officer
Disabled Students’ Officer
Community Action Officer
Home Students’ Officer
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer Students Officer
Anti Racism & Anti Fascism Officer
International Students Officer

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